Most people, by the time they are thinking of bankruptcy, are in dangerous position.  The fact is that they are A) tempted to make an emotional decision and B) tempted to go forward with bankruptcy using the fastest, cheapest and easiest way looming before them.

Chandler Bankruptcy

What is really unfortunate is that in many cases, perhaps even most, they could get the very best, most experienced and expert bankruptcy attorney available and avoid 3 typical problems.  

Problem #1

Is bankruptcy really the right decision and/or is the timing right?

There are other solutions that might be better for you.  Or your circumstances may be that delaying the bankruptcy would insure you a more favorable outcome. There is a lot involved that NOT having a good attorney who takes the time with you could mean your decision just takes you from the frying pan into the fire.

Problem #2

Which form of bankruptcy is right for your situation?  I know of one person who was in a rush to “just get it over with.”  He went to one attorney that reminded him more of a salesman than legal counsel.  He almost proceeded …but something held him back.  Lucky for him. He had not understood one very critical aspect of the difference between a Chapter 7 and 13 (Two very different forms of Bankruptcy) and would have been strapped for years with a huge part of the burden he was trying to get out from under …had he gone forward at that time.

Problem #3

If I am being “penny wise” now, will it result in me being “pound foolish” in the long run? Many times in life, we discover that the best price is frequently not the best deal.

Going forward with a bankruptcy is one of the few chances people have in life to set themselves up for a genuine fresh start.  Key to that is making that fresh start the best and cleanest it can be.

Not having an experienced attorney you can count on leaves you open to the risks of issues not being included, being neglected or being dealt with in such a way that they can come back to haunt you anew after the bankruptcy .  And when that happens, there is no remedy. You can’t go bankrupt again for at least 7 years.  And the whole “fresh start” concept is tainted with a monkey you can’t get off your back.

Our strong suggestion is to seek out and confer with the most experienced successful bankruptcy attorney you can find.  Get the benefit of the “been everywhere, done everything” wise counsel.  Then decide if doing it on your own or with the cheapest way out is the best idea.

Most of the time, people see clearly the importance and benefit of having the best taking them all the way through the process.  Let the attorney work out with you the payment of his fee.

The peace of mind as you go through the process and best outcome at its conclusion will likely validate that choice of the best as being one of the best decisions you ever made.

Bankruptcy Attorney Chandler